Thompson Rivers University

Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Page 4

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Students spend summer as funded researchers April 9, 2018

Undergraduate researchers will be hard at work this summer, investigating everything from homophobia in Russia, to white nose syndrome in bats. Nineteen students have been…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
TRU enters The Conversation March 27, 2018

Impressed by its journalistic quality, its commitment to open access and its global reach, TRU is excited to partner with The Conversation Canada, directly connecting…

Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Rattlesnakes crack the first Nutshell March 22, 2018

Valerie Law spent a summer working with rattlesnakes, so she doesn’t scare easily. But she admits to being slightly nervous standing in front of the…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Dungeons & Dragons research a critical hit March 20, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2656274" align="alignright" width="838"] The 2018 3MT participants, joined by the community judges.[/caption] Dungeons & Dragons — is it a game, or is it a…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured,
Cannabis concept nets students second-place spot March 16, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2641117" align="alignleft" width="825"] Members of 42 EAU discuss the project during a meeting leading up to the BC championship. Pictured clockwise from the top:…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
So many reasons to be a researcher February 26, 2018

During Reading Week, TRU played host to experts from across North America — and Australia — who were here to identify ways to promote inclusivity in…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured,
Elevate your holiday dinner December 18, 2017

Whether you're looking forward to showing off your skills this holiday or you despise spending more than ten minutes in the kitchen during festivities, we…

Co-op Student of the Year, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Student Development, Featured
Volunteerism at the heart of success November 20, 2017

Recently announced as the recipient of the 2017 TRU Co-op Student of the Year Award, Bachelor of Tourism Management student Michelle Davies paused to take…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
$90,000 awarded to undergraduate research apprentices October 31, 2017

Researchers at TRU and their students were given a $90,000 boost this week, through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice program. The program provides $3,000 grants that…

Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Science, Featured, Williams Lake
TRU's role in agri-tourism October 27, 2017

Ranchers in the Thompson-Cariboo have more opportunities to develop their operations thanks to a new introductory course on agri-tourism in TRU's Applied Sustainable Ranching (ASUR) diploma program. Agri…

Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Research and Graduate Studies
Four new community research projects awarded funding October 27, 2017

Thompson Rivers University researchers have once again teamed up with community partners as part of an initiative designed to promote social innovation. The Community Driven Research…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, School of Nursing, School of Trades and Technology, TRU World
Fall Convocation 2017 recap October 20, 2017 Fall Convocation was another success, with about 300 graduates receiving credentials from certificates to masters degrees from the eight schools and faculties across…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, School of Nursing, School of Trades and Technology
Convocation by the numbers: Fall 2017 October 10, 2017

Fall colours are upon us and not only does that mean an invigorating crispness in the air, but also the warmth and celebration that comes…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Office of the President, Open Learning, School of Nursing, School of Trades and Technology
Pioneering entrepreneur to address fall graduates October 10, 2017

An entrepreneur whose career successes have brought international attention and tourism to BC's Okanagan region will address TRU's class of 2017 on Oct. 13. Mr. Anthony von Mandl, founder of…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, Open Learning, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing, School of Trades and Technology
University gift is largest ever October 5, 2017

Thompson Rivers University is pleased to announce its largest-ever single donation. Dr. Sherman Jen of Maple Leaf Educational Systems has given TRU a personal donation…