Thompson Rivers University

Tag: prospective students, Page 3

Campus News, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured,
STEM program: First-ever for TRU February 27, 2017

TRU announces secondary school teacher training in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) A new program for educating secondary school teachers of science and mathematics, the…

Faculty and staff, Featured, School of Nursing, Williams Lake
Nursing from experience February 24, 2017

Understanding the pain and frustration of people suffering from illness can be difficult, but nursing students at the Williams Lake campus now know what it’s…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Featured, Open Learning, School of Nursing
TRU partners with Stenberg College January 18, 2017

A new agreement between TRU and Stenberg provides certain Stenberg grads with the opportunity to complete a degree online. Graduates of Stenberg College's Psychiatric Nursing and Cardiology…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Featured, Office of the President, Open Learning, School of Nursing
TRU partners with the Justice Institute of BC January 18, 2017

The first agreement between TRU and the Justice Institute of BC provides a new degree completion option for JIBC paramedic and health sciences grads. The agreement…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Williams Lake
Williams Lake program gets financial boost October 7, 2016

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program in Williams Lake will recieve $150,000 in one-time government funding that will help prepare students for a career working with…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Featured
Partnership provides pathway July 28, 2016

A partnership with Fleming College will attract out-of-province students to Kamloops through the pathway to a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS). Eligible graduates of Fleming…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured
MEd students get schooled in neuroscience July 13, 2016

The Faculty of Education and Social Work (EDSW) is offering its first-ever special topics course in the emerging field of educational neuroscience. The course, Mind,…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Featured
Journalism grads get recognized June 27, 2016

Journalism alumni ('16) Cameron Doherty and James Elliot are celebrating after recieving BC & Yukon Community Newspapers Association scholarships at the Newspapers Canada 2016 National…

Campus News, Faculty of Student Development, Featured, Indigenous Education
Gap year, schmap year? June 21, 2016

There is a growing trend for students to take a year off between high school and university, electing instead for a gap year—but is there…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured
Students 3rd in hotel design competition June 3, 2016

Someday you may find yourself staying at an Emily Carr-inspired hotel conceived by three TRU students during a tourism/business course. The team of Colleen Black,…

Campus News, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
TRU to offer graduate entrance scholarships May 27, 2016

Beginning in September 2017, TRU will offer federal entrance scholarships to exceptional graduate students. Read: Two new graduate programs approved Each university with a mandate…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured,
Surf’s up for Adventure students May 26, 2016

As a result of Sharman Learie’s passion and vision for adventure sport education, TRU Adventure Studies students now have the opportunity to become certified International…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Featured, School of Nursing
Proposed space health-y for TRU May 20, 2016 A presentation to Senate, May 16, 2016. Nursing and health care programs at TRU are full and in fact, oversubscribed. Nursing alone has experienced…