Thompson Rivers University

Faculty and staff, Page 9

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Featured, Sustainability
Films for Change: A New Economy January 11, 2019

We would like to invite you to our first Films for Change event of 2019. In partnership with Transition Kamloops we will showing the documentary…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Student Development, Featured, Indigenous Education
Listening to Indigenous students’ needs December 12, 2018

In Indigenous cultures, community is incredibly important. In a world that has become increasingly individualized, Indigenous people continue to see the value in relationships and…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
$78,000 awarded to undergraduate research apprentices November 19, 2018

Twenty-six researchers at TRU and their students were given a $78,000 boost this week through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice program. The program provides $3,000 grants…