Thompson Rivers University

Faculty of Arts, Page 6

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
TRU enters The Conversation March 27, 2018

Impressed by its journalistic quality, its commitment to open access and its global reach, TRU is excited to partner with The Conversation Canada, directly connecting…

Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Rattlesnakes crack the first Nutshell March 22, 2018

Valerie Law spent a summer working with rattlesnakes, so she doesn’t scare easily. But she admits to being slightly nervous standing in front of the…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Dungeons & Dragons research a critical hit March 20, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2656274" align="alignright" width="838"] The 2018 3MT participants, joined by the community judges.[/caption] Dungeons & Dragons — is it a game, or is it a…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Funding boosts 21 new research projects March 7, 2018

Congratulations to the 21 researchers who received 2018 Internal Research Fund awards. The fund provides a maximum of $100,000 annually to support research with the…

Faculty of Arts
Arts students receive awards March 2, 2018

Faculty of Arts students were presented with Arts Students Awards Wednesday evening by Dean of Arts Dr. Sandra Vermeulen, Associate Dean Brenda Thomson and Arts…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
So many reasons to be a researcher February 26, 2018

During Reading Week, TRU played host to experts from across North America — and Australia — who were here to identify ways to promote inclusivity in…

Alumni, Faculty of Arts, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Donald Lawrence named Artist of the Year January 25, 2018

Whether he’s installing a camera obscura on campus, assisting his students, or running any number of faculty committees, Donald Lawrence has long been a recognizable…

Campus News, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty, students tackle community challenges January 24, 2018

When Natalie Clark was a Cariboo College student she volunteered on a local crisis line and calls the experience “some of the best training I’ve…

Alumni, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Featured,
A little bit like Cheers January 4, 2018

There's been talk in the media lately about an exodus of artists moving from the coast inland as living expenses continue to increase and smaller…

Campus News, Faculty of Arts, Research and Graduate Studies
What's a little fib or two at Christmas? December 20, 2017

[caption id="attachment_2046449" align="alignright" width="385"] Dr. Heather Price, Canada Research Chair, Faculty of Arts.[/caption] “Now, the essence, the very spirit of Christmas is that we first…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Top 15 TRU stories of 2017 December 20, 2017

2017 has been another transformative year at TRU and this time around in our annual wrap up, we’re highlighting 15 stories of TRU students, alum…

Campus News, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Ten students awarded undergraduate research grants November 21, 2017

Is there value in support groups for social workers? What unique challenges to Indigenous nursing students face? These are just a couple of the questions…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Featured
Write about risk and win November 3, 2017

Budding writers—anyone from current high school students to mature storytellers are welcome to submit their creative non-fiction essay to TRU’s contest by Dec. 15, 2017.…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
$90,000 awarded to undergraduate research apprentices October 31, 2017

Researchers at TRU and their students were given a $90,000 boost this week, through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice program. The program provides $3,000 grants that…