Thompson Rivers University

Tag: published research, Page 2

Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Putting higher education in its place October 3, 2017

[caption id="attachment_2482708" align="alignright" width="418"] Lyn Baldwin, Kim Naqvi, Nancy Flood, Elizabeth Templeman and Ginny Ratsoy, authors of the 15th Green Guide, Place-Based Education: An Inter…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Money can buy better education outcomes August 2, 2017

According to new research out of TRU, if you want to reduce inequality you have to spend more money on public education. There has always…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Law, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Whose Games are they anyway? March 1, 2017

“The Olympic Games is unquestionably the largest and most important sporting event in the world. Yet who exactly is accountable for its successes and failures?”…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Annual report highlights wide-reaching impact November 23, 2016

Inspired, Engaged is a celebration of the world-class research taking place at TRU. The university's fourth annual report on research showcases the depth and diversity of…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
The phenomenon of civility November 16, 2016

With a history of discrimination and racism that has pushed the Romani people to the periphery, grand gestures from the Slovak government aren’t enough to…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, Sustainability
TRU-led grasslands study has global reach July 16, 2015

Humans depend upon high levels of ecosystem biodiversity, but due to climate change and changes in land use, biodiversity loss is greater now than at…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies
Plastics research gets plenty of attention April 8, 2015

First a patent, now a follow up article published in a prominent scientific journal—Postdoctoral Fellow and sessional instructor Dr. Dipesh Prema is getting a lot…