Thompson Rivers University

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Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
New program opens doors to research early April 25, 2019

[caption id="attachment_2950710" align="alignright" width="572"] Students in VISA 1010, 2D Creative Design will have their work on display at the Kamloops Art Gallery until June 29.[/caption]…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Research answers community health questions April 11, 2019

Five projects have been awarded Health Research Cluster Grants, as a means of developing research teams designed to address local community health questions. These grants…

Canadian housing market April 8, 2019

Dr. Ehsan Latif can speak to topics related to the Canadian housing market, including: Seniors and delayed retirement First-time home buyers and affordability Partnerships, targeted…

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured,
Taking education to new heights April 3, 2019

After digging into their educational studies at the master's level, two TRU students are taking their drive to learn more to the next level. Here…