Thompson Rivers University

Campus News, Page 11

Campus News, Featured, Office of the President
Second building at The Reach gets underway June 22, 2018

Ground broke Friday on the second building of the university’s on-campus neighbourhood community, The Reach. Kamloops-based developer Kelson Group is constructing Legacy Square, a five-storey,…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Featured, Office of the President, TRU World
Indian delegation visits TRU, marks phase two of deal June 21, 2018

Six international delegates–some with the government of Punjab, others with English-speaking universities and technical institutions–paid a special visit to TRU to solidify an existing partnership…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Sustainability
TRU Staff E-Bike Demo Day June 6, 2018

TRU Staff on Thursday June 7th from 12:00PM  - 4:30PM we will be holding a Staff E-Bike Demo Day at the Sustainability Office front porch.…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Law, Featured
Honouring a man of merit June 1, 2018

When he was named TRU’s second chancellor seven years ago, Wally Oppal took on a role that was new but one for which he was…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Law, Featured,
Saying thanks through a law degree June 1, 2018 Steven Shergill was interested in a law career for a number of reasons, but one stood out more than others: to give back to…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured,
Khabarovsk to Kamloops to valedictorian May 24, 2018

[embed][/embed] [caption id="attachment_2724948" align="alignright" width="300"] Anastasia Silina doesn't chase adventure. She's interested in the social side of tourism.[/caption] Anastasia Silina started out as a nervous…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty and staff, Featured
Grad invests in co-op, sees dividends May 18, 2018

[embed][/embed] Leaving home to attend university was always an option for Evan Choy, but strong family values and a desire to be a present and…

Campus News, Featured, Office of the President
Old Main gets new life May 10, 2018

Students coming to campus at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) in September will find parts of Old Main made new. More than half of the classrooms…

Campus News, Featured, Office of the President, School of Nursing
Premier breaks ground on new nursing building April 5, 2018

Kamloops—Nursing and health-care assistant students attending Thompson Rivers University (TRU) will soon get their education in a new state-of-art building using modern technology and equipment to…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Dungeons & Dragons research a critical hit March 20, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2656274" align="alignright" width="838"] The 2018 3MT participants, joined by the community judges.[/caption] Dungeons & Dragons — is it a game, or is it a…