Thompson Rivers University

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Page 4

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Education and Social Work
A great time to be a teacher April 4, 2019

Updated April 4, 2019 Teaching is a great career choice for a few reasons. The overall enrolment of K-12 students, which was in decline from…

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured,
Taking education to new heights April 3, 2019

After digging into their educational studies at the master's level, two TRU students are taking their drive to learn more to the next level. Here…

Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies
Ten projects awarded research funding April 1, 2019

Congratulations to the 10 researchers who received 2019 Internal Research Fund awards. The fund provides a maximum of $100,000 annually to support research with the…

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Indigenous Education
Preserving words of the past March 27, 2019

Afraid the language of her ancestors was disappearing, Marie Sandy has worked to learn the words that skipped a generation and is ensuring they passed…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Celebrating Research at TRU March 25, 2019

TRU is once again celebrating Research Week! Now in its fourth year, Research Week, which runs March 25 – 30, offers a blend of workshops,…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Indigenous Education
Indigenization includes ESL students March 11, 2019

Reconciliation and indigenization is about changing our relationship with ourselves and others. With this in mind, the English as a Second Language (ESL) department is…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Indigenous Education
Creating a new tradition with Indigenous knowledge March 4, 2019

In 2017, in response to the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Thompson Rivers University initiated a two-year endeavour to transform the…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Step into the spotlight during Research Week February 12, 2019

As Mark Twain famously said, “there are only two types of speakers in the world: The nervous, and the liars.” Whatever kind of speaker you…

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Featured, Indigenous Education, Research and Graduate Studies
Healing through everyday acts of kinship January 23, 2019

[caption id="attachment_2947179" align="alignright" width="428"] The girl's group, facilitated by Dr. Natalie Clark and Elder Minnie Kenoras.[/caption] The emotional health and well-being of Indigenous youth has…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
Undergraduate research: Invaluable experience gets funding boost January 21, 2019

The Undergraduate Research Experience Award Program now gives students more reason than ever before to complete their own, independent research projects. The UREAP was developed…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
First Interior university research funding opportunity opens December 13, 2018

TRU researchers are encouraged to apply for the first research granting opportunity as part of the Interior University Research Coalition/Tri-University Partnership Research Fund. Special Call:…

Campus News, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Eight students become independent researchers November 26, 2018

Eight students will spend the winter investigating original research questions, thanks to TRU’s flagship Undergraduate Research Experience Award Program (UREAP). The program, which provides students…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
$78,000 awarded to undergraduate research apprentices November 19, 2018

Twenty-six researchers at TRU and their students were given a $78,000 boost this week through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice program. The program provides $3,000 grants…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Science, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, School of Nursing
New Research Coach program a guaranteed winner November 8, 2018

What comes to mind when you think of a coach? Is it someone who inspires you to do better? To work harder? To give it…