Thompson Rivers University

Faculty and staff, Page 13

Faculty and staff, Featured, Sustainability
TRU Employee E-Mountain Bike Incentive May 25, 2018

The new TRU E-Mountain Bike Incentive (E-MBI) will incentivize purchasing a personal bike, providing a more affordable commuting option to employees. The E-MBI will encourage…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Featured,
Khabarovsk to Kamloops to valedictorian May 24, 2018

[embed][/embed] [caption id="attachment_2724948" align="alignright" width="300"] Anastasia Silina doesn't chase adventure. She's interested in the social side of tourism.[/caption] Anastasia Silina started out as a nervous…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Indigenous Education, Office of the President, Open Learning, School of Nursing, School of Trades and Technology, Williams Lake
Six outstanding leaders celebrated with honorary degrees May 24, 2018

They are people who stand out in their communities for their contributions and leadership. They are this year’s six honorary doctorate recipients at TRU's 2018…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Campus News, Faculty and staff, Featured
Grad invests in co-op, sees dividends May 18, 2018

[embed][/embed] Leaving home to attend university was always an option for Evan Choy, but strong family values and a desire to be a present and…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science,
Inspiration + science = TRU chemistry May 17, 2018

[embed][/embed] Lavraj Lidher is one of six valedictorians selected to speak at the 2018 spring convocation ceremonies. A science graduate, he will address the Faculty…

Faculty and staff, Featured, School of Trades and Technology
Six medals won at Skills Canada BC May 11, 2018

TRU earned a healthy haul of medals at the recent Skills Canada BC championships in Abbotsford. And one student—Drew Hegyi—won gold in the high school…

Faculty and staff, Featured, School of Trades and Technology
Becca Peters shines as trades valedictorian May 10, 2018

[embed][/embed] Underrepresentation of women in the trades kept Becca Peters away from pursuing a career in heavy duty mechanics. Despite keen interest, she spent nearly…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Science, Featured, Indigenous Education, School of Nursing
Aboriginal youth camp receives $10K from Telus April 27, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2695873" align="alignright" width="1200"] From left to right: Ann Cheeptham, camp co-founder; Paul Michel, TRU Director of Aboriginal Education; Wendy Heshka, Telus Community Foundation; Karen…