Thompson Rivers University

Faculty of Student Development, Page 15

Faculty of Student Development
The Perils of Procrastination July 4, 2016

By Jessica Messerer-Trosin As a university student, it's easy to procrastinate. You plan to read your textbook today, tonight, or tomorrow. But it turns into…

Campus News, Faculty of Student Development, Featured, Indigenous Education
Gap year, schmap year? June 21, 2016

There is a growing trend for students to take a year off between high school and university, electing instead for a gap year—but is there…

Faculty of Student Development
Festival Wellness June 14, 2016

by Alex Wilson, 4thYear TRU Psychology Student Summer is just around the corner and a hugely popular activity for students during their time free from…

Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics, Faculty of Student Development
Meet a Post-Bacc Student: Suvadeep Haldar June 10, 2016

Suvadeep Haldar’s fascination with business began with an introductory grade 8 course in economics. Since then, his studies in business have taken him around the…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Student Development, Featured, Research and Graduate Studies
Putting the degree to work May 19, 2016

The transition from school to work can be a difficult one, but thanks to Student Employment Coordinator Susan Forseille’s research, the pursuit of meaningful employment…

Faculty of Student Development
How to Introduce Quotations April 5, 2016

by Jessica Messerer-Trosin Quotations are one of the most important parts of your paper. Not only do they provide evidence to support your thesis, but…

Faculty of Student Development
Overcoming Procrastination April 1, 2016

by Jessica Messerer-Trosin The “Salami” Technique • Try to break a large, daunting task into smaller jobs that you can easily accomplish—just like a salami needs…

Faculty of Student Development
How to Write an Academic Summary March 15, 2016

by Jessica Messerer-Trosin Writing a summary is a common assignment for first-year English students, yet the idea of condensing a 10-page academic article into 500-750…

Campus News, Faculty and staff, Faculty of Student Development, Featured, Office of the President, Williams Lake
Co-op program boost will benefit students March 15, 2016

Co-op students at TRU will find greater opportunities to obtain experience in their chosen fields thanks to $1.3 million in funding from the provincial government to support…

Faculty and staff, Faculty of Student Development
Tune up for Job Fair February 18, 2016

Success in life often amounts to being prepared and taking steps to be in the right place when opportunity presents itself. With that in mind, the…