Thompson Rivers University

TRU Green Drinks: Kamloops Sustainability Social

TRU and the Kamloops community members above the age of 19 are invited to a Green Drinks event!

When: Tuesday, Mar. 5 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

Where: on Tuesday, Mar. 5 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at The Den in the Campus Activity Centre.

Appetizers will be free and the discussion theme for the night is ‘Think Global, Act Local on the SDGs’ (UN Sustainable Development Goals).

Green Drinks is an informal, non-partisan gathering for people interested in sustainability issues. Whether you are a student, a professional, an activist, or just curious, you are welcome to join the conversation and network with others who share a passion for sustainability. is a global movement in over 500 cities.

The event is part of TRU’s involvement in SDG Week Canada, a national initiative to raise awareness and engagement with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on university and college campuses. Any salient points that arise from the TRU event will be factored into plans to bring the SDGs to life at TRU.

No registration is needed.

The event is organized by Green Drink Kamloops (which is hosted by Transition Kamloops) and the TRU Sustainability Office.

For more information, contact the Sustainability Office at