Dr. Bruce Damer
Where and how can life begin in the universe?
Dr. Greg Anderson, Dean, Faculty of Science, and TRU Alumni are delighted to invite the TRU and Kamloops communities to the premier event of our Science Revealed Dean’s Lecture Series. This lecture will be given by Dr. Bruce Damer (TRU Alumni ‘82). Dr. Damer will present exciting new science of how and where life can begin, both on Earth 4 billion years ago, and, possibly, on Mars and trillions of exoplanets in the wider universe. He will also look to the future of life on Earth as humanity takes on the role of prime driver in the care and evolution of the biosphere.
The Faculty of Science’s Science Revealed Dean’s Lectures publicly celebrate our Cariboo College, University College of the Cariboo, and Thompson Rivers University science alumni and the impressive and mystical ways in which they have discovered the world. This lecture series is a perfect opportunity for the TRU, Kamloops, and surrounding communities to be on campus, network with influential scientists, and gain an understanding of their scholarship, research, and teaching.
Dr. Bruce Damer is the Principal Scientist at DigitalSpace; Associate Researcher in the Department of Biomolecular Engineering at UC Santa Cruz; Associate of the NASA Astrobiology Center; Member of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, and Chief Scientist of the BIOTA Institute. Dr. Damer has served as Visiting Scholar at the University of Washington and as a member of the Faculty at Charles University, Prague. He received his Ph.D. from University College, Dublin; MSEE from the University of Southern California, and BSc from the University of Victoria. In 2019, Dr. Damer was awarded the TRU Distinguished Alumni: Scientific Research Award.
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: Scratch Café, Culinary Arts Building
Space is limited!
Registration is required by October 27, 2022