Thompson Rivers University

Faculty of Student Development, Page 21

Faculty of Student Development
Raven Wins Career Ed Video Contest March 2, 2012

Raven Ward, a TRU Design student, has won the TRU Career Education video contest. [youtube][/youtube] Career Education provides student employment, co-op and other career and…

Faculty of Student Development
Breastfeeding Room in Campus March 1, 2012

The TRU Wellness Centre has established a breastfeeding/pumping room on campus this semester. The temporary location for this semester is OM 1421, across the hall from…

Faculty of Student Development
Event: The Authentic Heart February 13, 2012

We have come a long way from the inauthentic politeness of Victorian England, some would say too far. Every day there are situations and interactions…

Faculty of Student Development
Recipe: Mini Frittatas January 14, 2012

Another semester is underway. I know I put off true organization until after the first week, so if you’re anything like me you flew through…

Campus News, Faculty of Student Development
Co-op Student of the Year November 28, 2011

Thompson Rivers University is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2011 Co-op Student of the Year Award – Natascha Hedrich, Bachelor of Science in…

Faculty of Student Development
Healthy Foods For Stress October 20, 2011

Spinach Magnesium was made to calm holiday insanity. First, the mineral can help lower your stress levels, keeping your body in a state of relative…

Campus News, Faculty of Student Development
Build Your Resume: Apply to Co-op August 19, 2011

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Usman is a Business graduate and two-semester TRU Co-op student. He suggests you sign up today."][/caption] Applications for Co-op will be…