Thompson Rivers University

Sustainability Sticker Contest

The TRU Sustainability Office is delighted to announce its first Sustainability Sticker Contest.

It’s a design competition open to any current TRU student, staff or faculty member – and entering is free.

The submission deadline is Friday, Feb. 9.

Submissions must be emailed in both PNG and PDF format to

This is your chance to design your own sustainability-related sticker and just for entering the contest receive three free printed versions of your design.

Contest prizes

The designers of the five winning designs will receive the following. All gift certificates are for TRU Food Services.

  • Grand prize: $200 gift certificate and forty free printed stickers of the design.
  • Second place: $150 gift certificate and thirty free printed stickers of the design.
  • Third place: $100 gift certificate and twenty-five free printed stickers of the design.
  • Fourth place: $75 gift certificate and twenty free printed stickers of the design.
  • Fifth place: $50 gift certificate and fifteen free printed stickers of the design.

Contest winners will be notified by Friday, Mar. 1.

Email any questions to the TRU Sustainability Office at with the subject line “Sticker Contest.”

For more details, click here.