Thompson Rivers University

Dr. Julie Macfarlane discussion on banning NDAs in B.C.

TRU Faculty Association and TRUFA Equity Committee invite you to join us at Desert Gardens to hear Dr. Julie Macfarlane discuss how ‘Non-Disclosure Agreements Silence Victims of Discrimination and Abuse: the campaign to ban NDAs in British Columbia.’
Julie Macfarlane is a former professor of law who co-founded the campaign Can’t Buy My Silence with Zelda Perkins.
Their work shows how NDAs work to gag the victims of discrimination, misconduct and abuse and they are working with a growing group of allies and supporters to change the law in Canada, the UK and Ireland.
Julie will be talking about how universities, churches, schools and many other organizations use NDAs to cover up misconduct and how you can support the campaign for change in BC.
Light snacks, tea and coffee will be served.
Livestream will be available for those unable to attend in person.
Hosts: TRU Faculty Association
TRUFA Equity Committee
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 1635 4309
Passcode: 564855