The event was a mock bail hearing, the ‘lawyers’ had not passed the bar, but they gathered in a real court room and argued in front of real judges.
On Feb. 12, the TRU Criminal Law Club hosted its first mock bail hearing event. Participants, acting as either Crown or defence counsel, made bail submissions, while other law students filled roles as the accused and court clerks.

Participants in the TRU Criminal Law Club’s first mock bail hearing at the Kamloops Law Courts.
The case: John White is accused of producing a highly potent strain of methamphetamine which had been linked to numerous overdose deaths across the country. He is in court for a bail hearing.
The setting: The Kamloops Law Courts.
The judges: Justices Stella Frame, Greg Koturbash and Marianne Ruth Armstrong presided over the mock hearings, gave decisions and feedback to participants.
This was the debut of this event, but the club hopes to bring it back annually.
The best Crown and best defence prize award winners, as selected by the honourable judges, were:
- Best Crown team winners: Tatum Sabourin and Saijal Patel; Alexander Eves; and Victoria Macfarlane and Daniela Schulz
- Best defence team winners: Omid Raoufian; Mackenzie Do and Scott Stewart-Lee; and Adam Richert and Gordon Elliot
Organizers were grateful to many of those who made the mock hearing possible, including the Kamloops Law Courts for their time and hospitality in allowing access to their courtrooms, the Kamloops Law Courts Sheriff Service for their attendance and participation that allowed for a seamless and realistic experience and the three judges for giving their valuable time to preside over the mock hearings, providing live decisions and feedback to the participants. Their participation made this event possible.
It was an exceptional night of practical experience, advocacy and networking. TRU Law looks forward to holding this event again next year.