Thompson Rivers University

Nursing Week experts available for interviews

May 2, 2023

The Chappell Family Building for Nursing and Population Health at TRU

KAMLOOPS — National Nursing Week is May 8 – 14, with this year’s theme being Our nurses. Our future.

Thompson Rivers University’s (TRU) School of Nursing celebrates its faculty, students and graduates at a time when nursing is increasingly vital to the health-care system.

School of Nursing Dean Rani Srivastava is available for interviews May 8 or 9 to talk about the role of nursing education and the future of the profession.

Tanya Sanders, an associate teaching professor in the school, is available to talk about the future of nursing, community health and nursing, and nursing education.

If you are interested in speaking with Rani or Tanya, please contact:

Michele Young, Marketing and Communications
University Relations, Thompson Rivers University
250-828-5361 |