A new apprenticeship starting next week at TRU comes as good news to those waiting to get into the trade.
The four-year instrumentation and control technician starts Feb. 6 and the first intake is accepting up to 18 students. Previously, the only other school in BC offering the apprenticeship was BCIT in Burnaby, where applicants can face waits of one to two years depending on the number of applicants.

Some of the training equipment used in the instrumentation and control technician apprenticeship program.
“From my point of view we need this program because of the long waitlist,” said Max Tinsley, who designed the TRU program and is its only instructor at this time. “This will help relieve the backlog.”
For the time being, third and fourth years won’t be offered until the fall of 2018 when construction of the new Industrial Technology and Trades Centre is complete, ready for occupancy and becomes the program’s new home.
New equipment and instruments have been purchased, set up, tested and are ready to be used.
The new program brings the number of apprenticeships at TRU to 14 and is a natural progression for students enrolled in the foundation instrumentation and control technician program. It’s also a good option for those considering engineering.
Instrumentation and control technicians (formerly known as industrial instrument mechanics) install, repair, maintain and adjust instruments used to measure and control industrial processes like those in pulp and paper manufacturing and petrochemical production.
The instruments can be used to control and monitor the flow of gasses, the temperature of liquid materials or stages of a process where pressure is required.