Larry Iles of TRU Career Education gets some weightlifting in during a Day of Caring in 2010 while looking on is Cliff Robinson of the TRU Counselling department. The two were among others helping with outdoor renovations to the daycares on campus. An examination of Day of Caring is among the research projects being conducted by TRU.
What are the positive effects of groups of employees giving back to non-profits in the form of manual labour?
Is someone with a low understanding of interest rates more likely to use a payday loan service?
Can the homeless use theatre to work through some of their challenges?
These are among the questions being examined through research involving TRU, Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way, and Kamloops Home Action Plan.
Earlier this month addendums to the Memorandum of Understanding between Thompson Rivers University’s Small Cities Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way and the Kamloops Homelessness Action Plan (HAP) were signed. These addendums represent three research projects being undertaken through the memorandum.
The projects examine the Days of Caring program operated by the United Way, fringe financial institutions, and how participating in community theatre can be used as therapy for the homeless.
A brief description of each:
This project examined United Way’s Day of Caring volunteer initiative, and the impact of participation in a volunteer project at a non-profit agency on commitment and further giving to the community and United Way.
Claire Macleod
In partnership with Changing the Face of Poverty this project looked at the correlation between low financial literacy and use of fringe financial institutions (Pay Day loan companies).
The goal is to have partners in Changing the Face of Poverty look at alternatives to offer individuals based on the results of the research.
Louise Richards
The ‘No Straight Lines’ project is a community based multimedia theatre project aimed at ending homelessness.
The name refers to the fact that there is no one straight path out of homelessness but many paths with different corners and turns to navigate.
The goal is to help end homelessness through creative exploration and life skills development. A live performance is slated to take place in Kamloops the summer of 2014.
Tangie Genshorek
Thompson Rivers University’s Small Cities Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) is in a formal partnership with the Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way and the Kamloops Homelessness Action Plan (HAP) to work together on community-based research.
Projects encompass the following goals that reflect the CURA mandate:
- Promote sharing of knowledge, resources and expertise between the CURA and the community
- Enrich research, teaching methods and curricula at TRU
- Reinforce community decision-making and problem-solving capacity
- Enhance students’ education and employability by means of diverse opportunities to build their
- knowledge, expertise and work skills through hands-on research and related experience