Thompson Rivers University

Students awarded $474,600 in scholarships and bursaries

November 23, 2012

2012 Foundation Awards

Alan Shaver, President and Vice-chancellor and student award recipients at the 2012 Foundation Awards Ceremony

TRU awarded close to half a million dollars to students at its annual Foundation Awards Ceremony on November 22. 

In total $474,600 was given out as bursaries and scholarships to 497 students at the ceremony.

“For 30 years the TRU Foundation has been supporting students and the university,” said Les Consenheim in his address to donors and students on behalf of the volunteer TRU Foundation board. “During this time, the Foundation through the generosity of our donors has built an endowment portfolio for student assistance of $11.4 million dollars.

“Last year the Foundation raised $3.2 million dollars for students, buildings and programs at TRU. This milestone could not have been achieved without the continued support of our donors and the hard work and efforts of the volunteers and staff team.”

Denise Vieira attended from Vancouver to present the Rotary Club of Kamloops Daybreak Scholarship. 

A Bachelor of Science Honour Co-op grad in 2002 with a major in general biology, Vieira made her first donation this year, in the amount of $500, on the tenth anniversary of her graduation from TRU. She wanted the money to be applied to the Rotary Club of Kamloops Daybreak Scholarship.  In 1998 and 2000, she received that scholarship in the amount of $1,000 each time.

2012 Foundation Awards

Mother of Robert Dzienkanski, Zofia Cisowski handed out the first Robert Dzienkanski Award to Geography student Nicolas Potocki.

“Today, a learning community and a caring community come together to help people improve their lives,” said Alan Shaver, President and Vice-chancellor. “This, I believe, clearly symbolizes what TRU stands for. We should all be very proud of what the people in this room represent for TRU, for Kamloops and for Higher Education in general.”

The annual Foundation Awards Ceremony is the largest of several award ceremonies held throughout the year. The next awards handed out will be at a December 13 ceremony in Williams Lake.

Among the awards, was $2,000 presented
by the Association of Professional Administration, which goes to children
of APA members. This year’s recipients:
Krystian Miszkurka, Stephanie Hohner,
and Colten De Frias.

Mel Rothenburger Journalism Award, $500
Yoshie Ozawa & Ron Watson International Scholarship, $500 x 2
ESL Award, $1,000
Subway Bursary, $1,000
Robert Dziekanski Scholarship, $800
Kamloops Senior Citizen’s Housing, $2,400
Wiseman Family Scholarship, $1,000

Christopher Seguin
VP Advancement, TRU

Watch CFJC TV’s coverage of the event.

2012 Foundation Awards

Denise Vieira, Bachelor of Science and Co-op Alumni speaks about making her first donation 10 years after graduation from TRU.






2012 Foundation Awards

$474,600 was given out as bursaries and scholarships to 497 students at the ceremony