You don’t need to have travelled or be enrolled in an international major to study in another part of the world.
The Study Abroad Exchange Program allows students to live and study in a different country for one or two semesters. Students earn credits towards fulfilling degree goals while travelling at the same time.
Give yourself an advantage in this increasingly complex and globalized world. Where in the world can I go?

Name: Bhreagh Farquharson
Host Destination: University of Central Lancashire, England
Study Abroad take-away: similar results can be achieved through alternative approaches.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the TRU Newsroom will feature one or more of the 2012-13 Study Abroad Ambassadors. One of this week’s profiles is Bhreagh.
My Study Abroad year at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in Preston, England was much more than just a year of university. The people I met, cities I traveled, and cultures I embraced have left a permanent impression on who I am.
My classes exposed me to a schooling system that I was not accustomed to. This helped me realize that the same result can be achieved through alternate approaches. I worked with students from around the world and learned not only the class content, but also about my classmates’ cultures and how to efficiently work with individuals from different backgrounds.
I realized that cultural differences don’t hinder work groups or friendships, but make them more interesting.
READ THE STORIES of other Study Abroad Ambassadors
Courtney — France
Seth – Morocco
Andrew — Czech Republic