Thompson Rivers University

Distinguished Alumni 2012 | Call for 2013 nominations

May 9, 2012


Nominate someone for a 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award

Past winners

Videos below of the 2012 winners


Thompson Rivers University Alumni and Friends Association recognized its Distinguished Alumni for 2012 during a dinner in their honour on Friday, April 13 in the TRU Grand Hall.

See below for short biographies on each as well as a short videos providing a glimpse of each.

The event also featured a keynote address by Ian Hanomansing of CBC on the “Five Things that Make Canada Great that Most of Us Take for Granted.”

Over the past 16 years 61 alumni, two student leaders, two community groups, and three faculty have been selected to receive 70 of these prestigious awards.

The 2012 winners are:

Amanda Jones

BSC in progress
Neil Russell Student Leadership Award

A chemistry major, Amanda has been an active volunteer in the community and on campus, mentoring first year science students, volunteering with the Chemistry/Biochemistry Club, assisting elderly patients in residential care and coaching with Kamloops Minor Hockey. As a Supplemental Learning Leader she went beyond running study sessions to recruiting other student leaders as a means of sustaining the program.



Raj Chahal

BSW 2002
Grace Chronister Award

Raj Chahal completed her degree while working for the Ministry of Children and Family Development. In 2006 she joined Royal Inland Hospital, where she has three roles: Parkview Child and Adolescent Team Leader, Social Work Head of Psychiatry, and designated social worker for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit. Raj works with children and youth living with mental illness, supporting individuals, families, teachers, physicians, and other community professionals, and providing advocacy through education.



Paul Houle

BSc 2001
Professional Achievement Award

Soon after graduating from TRU with a BSc in organic chemistry, Paul Houle launched his career as an analytical chemist when he led a national survey of pharmaceutical contaminants in municipal water supplies. He has worked in conjunction with the RCMP forensic lab and has testified as an expert witness in the measurement of ultra-trace contaminants. Head-hunted by the oil and gas industry as a drilling fluids chemist, he patented an environmentally-friendly drilling fluid additive and has published two papers.



James McCreath

BJour 2002
Community Service Award

James McCreath’s love of sport and education has led him to spearhead a wide variety of initiatives in support of his community. An athlete and a graduate of TRU’s Bachelor of Journalism program, James used his leadership and communications skills honed as a soccer coach and sports writer to raise funds and create programs for KidSport Calgary, an organization ensuring all kids are able to afford organized sports. He visits youth groups every month as a member of the speaker’s bureau for Volunteer Calgary, and sits on the fund development committee for Education Matters, Calgary’s public education trust.




Community Milestone Achievement Award

Making a difference in the communities it serves is one of KPMG’s long-standing values. Their community leadership in Kamloops has included giving their time and support to TRU students year after year. KPMG staff regularly sit on committees, volunteer many hours at fundraising and networking events, guest-lecture in business and co-op classes, provide coaching for competitions and presentations, and mentor students. Four staff members volunteered as one-on-one mentors to students in 2011, and KPMG coaches helped BBA students win a spot in the Case Competition finals. The organization also supported student learning through a sizable donation to the construction of the Brown Family House of Learning.



Arlene Olynyk,
TRU Alumni Officer,


Nominate someone for a 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award

Past winners
