A partnership of TRU graduates and the Adventure Studies Department has developed a youth kayaking camp running August 16 to 20.
The camp has been designed as an introduction to white-water kayaking and a tool for personal growth. It will focus on kayak skills and safe practices, team building, leadership and environmental sustainability.
We’ve been told there are only 7 spots left, so sign up soon! (forms and more info below)

TRU graduates and the Adventure Studies Department has developed a youth kayaking camp running August 16 to 20.
Kayaking is PURE FUN! Whitewater kayaking is more than
just a sport, it is a life altering experience and in a lot of
cases a lifestyle. With such a close-knit community, it is a
great way to meet new friends and create life-spanning
relationships. It is also a great way to challenge ones self,
both mentally and physically. Contrary to the stereotype,
kayaking is not strictly for adrenaline junkies and extremists;
it is a sport with unlimited possibilities for anyone and
everyone that tries it.
Ages: Young men and women from 14-18 years of age
Dates: Our camp will take place from August 16th to the 20th
Location: Kamloops, British Columbia
Times: Participants will be in their boats and having a blast from 8am till 5pm, at which point they will be free to go.
Price: $325.00 (includes lunches and equipment rentals)
Bookings & Information: Sean Easton: T. 604 916 9037 E. sean.w.easton@gmail.com
- Youth Kayak Camp Brochure (.pdf)
- Camp Outline (.pdf)
- Camp Poster (.pdf)
- Registration Form (.doc)