Thompson Rivers University

Open Education Week

The 11th annual Open Education Week (OE Week), March 6-10, 2023,  is approaching! This is a week to raise awareness and highlight Open Education, which includes open educational resources, open pedagogy/practices, and open research practices.  It’s a chance to learn more about open education and be inspired by the work that is being developed. While this is an international event, the TRU Library has planned some online events that highlight what’s happening at TRU, as well as an event being organized through BCcampus that we thought might be of interest.

Join us for some sessions about open education, including:

NOTE: All sessions will be online either via Teams or Zoom

We hope you can join us at one or more of these sessions!

Check out the schedule and register to attend

You can also check out other events going on in BC that BCcampus is promoting on their events calendar –