Thompson Rivers University

GoByBike Week 2023

GoByBike Week 2023 starts on Monday, May 29.

TRU students, staff and faculty members can register online at GoByBike Week (GBBW), and join the “TRU Folks on Spokes” team to enter to win great prizes.

To join the team, click this link, or log into an account, click Join Team, and search for “TRU Folks on Spokes.”

TRU again has its own celebration station at the corner of McGill and Summit from Monday to Thursday at 6:30 – 8:30 a.m.

TRU prizes 

  • Four daily draw prizes, enter by stopping at the celebration station Monday to Thursday: Apple AirTags, a hand pump, bike tool and a light are up for grabs. 
  • Three prizes (first, second and third) for most kilometres ridden (online prize draws for everyone on the Folks on Spokes team, as long as they record their daily kilometres): Ergonomic handlebar grips, a high-end multi-tool and a kryptonite u-lock. 
  • A grand prize of $200 to your choice of a local bicycle shop. 

    French breakfast 

    When: Tuesday, May 30 from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. (weather permitting)
    Where: Behind the Brown Family House of Learning on the grass
    What: A beautiful continental breakfast will be served featuring fresh croissants, strawberries, cream and French-roast coffee. Free to all GBBW registered riders, but there’s only room for the first 20 people who register.
    RSVP required by Wed., May 24, 20 spaces available, email Aaron to register:

    Maintenance clinics 

    When: Tuesday, May 23, and Thursday, May 25, at noon
    Where: In front of the People and Culture building
    What: These clinics are to teach you good maintenance practices and get a little work done on your bike. TRU is bringing in mechanics to guide you through small repairs to get your bike in good working order.
    RSVP required, email Aaron

    Combat bicycle theft 

    When: All week
    Where: Celebration station in the morning, or TRU Sustainability Office in the People and Culture building (bright orange door at the side entrance)
    What: To reduce bicycle theft, please register your bike on Garage 529 and bring by your proof of registration (app or photo) to the TRU Sustainability office for a free Garage 529 sticker. These stickers make it easy to identify and reclaim bikes if they’re lost or stolen. If you have questions about the registration process, contact Aaron

    Commuter challenge

    The National Commuter Challenge occurs the week following Go By Bike Week, from June 4 – 10. This event includes cyclists, transit, carpooling, skateboards, scooters or anything that lets you leave the car at home. Register online here: Commuter Challenge.