The President’s Annual Merit and Service award reception recognized the following people on April 30, 2013:
TRU Teaching Excellence Award on Campus
Mr. Tony Bell, School of Business and Economics
Ms. Krista Lussier, School of Nursing
Dr. Mohamed Tawhid, Mathematics and Statistics
TRU Teaching Excellence Award Open Learning Faculty
Mr. John O’Brien, Open Learning Faculty
TRU Master Scholar Award
Dr. Christopher Walmsley, Social Work
TRU Award for Excellence in Scholarship
Dr. Naowarat (Ann) Cheeptham, Biological Sciences
TRU Faculty Award for Excellence in Internationalization
Dr. Warveni Jap, School of Business and Economics
TRU Distinguished Service Award
Ms. Janine Chan, Allied Health
Dr. Tom Dickinson, Dean, Faculty of Science
Mr. Wayne Hendry, Student Finance Advisor
Mr. Cliff Neufeld, Senior Project Advisor to the President
Ms. Deanna Ries, Athletics
Mr. Robert Verner, Open Learning Faculty
Years of Service
35 years — Elaine Tattrie
30 years — Rob Anderson, Marta Dejmek, Bernadette Harris,
Les Matthews, and John O’Brien