Computers are everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes. They’re in virtually every industry and helping us perform tasks that can save us time, improve our safety and make our lives more convenient.

Mila Kwiatkowska
To shed some light on the world of computers and the scope of what goes into programming them, Mila Kwiatkowska, the chair of TRU’s computing science department, stopped by Kamloops Radio NL station for a chat with Talk to the Experts host Paul Graham.
“We cannot think of computer science as a narrow discipline. Computer science is interdisciplinary and really, everyone should know something about technology and computers. I think this (understanding) will benefit all of us,” said Kwiatkowska, explaining that even a general understanding will lead to innovations as experts from various fields see how technology could enhance their area or solve problems. The experts could be from health care, the sciences, business, trades, social sciences, education, the arts, humanities, engineering and more.
Kwiatkowska also discussed the growth of computing science, the growth of TRU’s programs, the need for more women in computing science, good and bad hacking and more.
What follows is the interview and for your convenience, it is broken into five segments.
Clip 1—6:25—The difference between computer science and computing science, the public’s general perception of computing science, types of students attracted to computing science
Clip 2—6:08—What businesses rely on computing science, teaching computing science, everyone should have a basic understanding of technology
Clip 3—7:30—White hat and black hat hacking, everyone is exposed when using a computer, cyber security, students are a great source of new ideas, student project examples
Clip 4—4:54—Computers in the medical world, the world of drones, staying in touch with TRU grads
Clip 5—4:43—Different computing science options at TRU, two-year diploma is popular and versatile, how to contact the program, have coffee with Mila
Learn more about computing science options at TRU