Recipients of the President’s Annual Merit and Service Awards were applauded by a packed house at the afternoon reception on April 22. This year’s event recognized 168 TRU employees, including 159 staff and faculty who received Long Term Service pins. Master of ceremonies Uli Scheck, Provost and Vice-President Academic, also congratulated the English As a Second Language department for its enthusiastic cheering section. Awardees in attendance received plaques or pins from President Shaver and Board of Governors member Hoberly Hove.
2014 Merit Award Winners:
Master Scholar Award
Dr. Bruce Baugh, Philosophy, History and Politics
Award for Excellence in Scholarship
Dr. Ehsan Latif, Economics
Teaching Excellence Award, On Campus Instructor
Ms. Robin Reid, Tourism Management
Award for Excellence in Internationalization
Ms. Emma Bourassa, English as a Second Language
Environmental Achievement Award for Faculty and Staff
Dr. Peter Tsigaris, Economics
2014 Distinguished Service Award Winners:
Ms. Sherri King, TRU World
Ms. Barb Pillar, School of Business and Economics
Ms. Wendy Krauza, English as a Second Language
Ms. Julie Bowser, Community U, Williams Lake
2014 Service Awards for Long-Term Service
Celebrating 40 Years of Service
Jeanette Murray, Susie Safford
Celebrating 35 Years of Service
Rosalyn Alexander, Lloyd Bennett, Ken Lum
Celebrating 30 Years of Service
Kerry Cook, Bryan Daly, Star Mahara, Jackie Mullen

Some of the 40 TRU employees celebrating 25 Years of Service in 2014. Long-standing staff and faculty members are recognized with service award pins.
Celebrating 25 Years of Service
Dennis Acreman, Leanne Amendola, Celia Armour, Kevin Barrie, Doug Bickley, Connie Brim, Jane Bryson, David Burkholder, Carol Costache, Lori de Frias, Surinder Dhanjal,
Tom Dickinson, Susan Duncan, Catherine Hall-Patch, Robert Higgins, Peter Inglis, Bernard Igwe, Bruce Irving, Joanne Jones, Judy Kress, Tony Kurzma, Don Lawrence, Marten Lettinga,
James Lewis, Norm Logan, David MacLennan, Robina Manfield, Peter Moyls, Linda Mueller,
Mervin Nicholson, Wayne Nickel, Susan Purdy, Peter Poeschek, Norm Reed, Veda Roodal Persad, Karen Ross, Barbara Smith, Janis Setka, Gwen Schaffer, Bernard Warren
Celebrating 20 Years of Service
Paula Adkin, Tracy Barth, Sharon Brewer, Peggy Broad, Mike Burke, Lian Dumouchel, Anne Gagnon, Debbie Gill, Heather Hamilton, Ruth Hughes, Bruce Kirkley, James Lindfield, Andre Le Dressay, Doug Loblaw, Ardie Lush, Walter Prescott, Lesley Robinson, Susan Ross, David Trevitt, Eric Villeneuve
Celebrating 15 Years of Service
Connie Alger, Alan Bass, Hugh Burley, Donna Daines, Susan Daykin, Rick Deleeuw, Steven Earle, Wesley Eccleston, Teressa Fedorak, Kathy Felton, Allan Fletcher, Karl Fultz, Per Gabrielli, Kathy Gaynor, Rose Gountas, Trent Hammer, Heath Hamoline, Lee-Gaye Hicketts, Lyle Hirowatari, Susan Howie, Stephen Joly, Terry Kading, Brian Mackay, Dennis McGuire, Derrick Moffat, Elliott Musicar, Don Nelson, Evelyne Penny, Terrance Power, Maxine Ruvinsky, Linda Sheehan, Annie St. John-Stark, Kimberly Tamblyn, Brenda Thompson, Leanne Walker, Verlinda Wale, Denise Weisgerber
Celebrating 10 Years of Service
Debra Andrews, Wade Archambault, Warren Asuchak, May Auger, Lyn Baldwin, Allison Barnes, Robin Bercowski, Dorine Berube, Joanne Brown, Darryl Carlyle-Moses, Krista Cochrane, Dwayne Congdon, Chelsea Corsi, Donald Dickinson, Larry Franzen, Lauchlan Fraser, Michelle Funk, Karen Grigoleit, Mark Hardy, Wendy Hulko, Crystal Huscroft, Selina Knorr, Che-Hui (Eric) Lien, Krista Lussier, Mohammad Mohbobi, Louise Marcelet, Izabela Mazur-Oraniewicz, Shirley McCaffrey, Linda McClure, Wendy McKenzie, Dawn-Louise McLeod, Stanley Miles, Waldi Miszkurka, Robin Nichol, Linda Parent, Regina Parker, Steven Powrie, Anne Redford, Cynthia Ross Friedman, Richard Roy, Duane Seibel, John Sparks, Peter Smoczynski, Anne Terwiel, James Thomson, Sandra Trawin, Betty Turatus, Susan Turner, Josey Westran, Michael Woloszyn, Cindy Wozney