Watch for your opportunity to share your thoughts on safety and security at the Kamloops and Williams Lake campuses as well as the regional centres.
TRU Staff, faculty and administrators are invited to complete this survey: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g224b
In the summer of 2012, TRU administration struck a Task Force on Safety and Security and gave it the mandate to review the safety and security of the TRU community (both persons and property), the prudent management of risks, and compliance with laws and TRU policies concerning safety and security. The Task Force members are:
- (Co-Chair) Stacey Jyrkkanen, Manager – Health & Safety; Medical Services & Emergency Management
- (Co-Chair) Christine Adam, Dean of Students (Faculty of Student Dev’t)
- Brian MacKay, Chief Information Officer and AVP (IT Services)
- Hugh MacInnes, General Counsel Office
- Les Tabata, Director of Facilities
- Duane Seibel, Director of Student and Judicial Affairs
- Leanne Katchmar, Student
See Task Force Terms of Reference
The Task Force has engaged the services of a consulting firm to review specific areas of TRU operations, including health & safety, physical plant, threat assessment, information security, social media/communications and emergency preparedness across both TRU campuses and at the regional centres. CKR Global was the successful candidate. CKR Global is Canada’s largest risk mitigation, security and human safety consultancy firm and has extensive experience conducting these types of assessments for Canadian post-secondary and other schools.
CKR Global’s review will include:
- a desk review of the specified areas,
- targeted, structured interviews of key personnel
- focus groups including staff, faculty, students and administration
- an online survey of staff and faculty
- a self-directed site audit tool for staff and faculty
It is hoped that this inclusive approach to data collection will ensure that all voices are heard, will invite broader and informed input from stakeholders, and help build community and support for safety and security, while also building knowledge of what it takes to ensure a safe and secure learning and work environment for all.
Members of the TRU community that have questions about the Task Force on Safety and Security are invited to direct them to co-chairs Stacey Jyrkkanen and Christine Adam.