TRU Intends to Sign Model License which will give TRU the greatest possible access to high quality learning materials in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Photo courtesy of Horia Varlan via flickr
Visit the TRU Intellectual Property Office for information on copyright at Thompson Rivers University
Access Copyright, the Canadian collective of authors and publishers serving much of English-speaking Canada, is significantly altering the way it licenses materials to Universities and Colleges. Ongoing negotiations between Access Copyright and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) have resulted in a model license (the “Model License”) whereby signatory institutions would have permission to use materials within Access Copyright’s repertoire for a yearly rate of $26 per full-time-equivalent student (FTE).
After a great deal of discussion, consultation, and a thorough examination of the Model License, TRU has signed a letter of intent to Access Copyright, confirming its intention to sign the Model License by June 30th, 2012. The letter of intent preserves TRU’s ability to receive a discount, but does not officially bind TRU to signing the Model License.
The Model License will provide TRU with the greatest possible access to high quality learning materials in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. TRU’s experience dealing directly with publishers and authors, especially through the Open Learning division, is often a time consuming and frustrating process for all concerned. Given the FTE numbers and the volume and types of material TRU currently uses in its courses, it would be more costly in terms of staff hours and lost productivity to try to clear copyright without the Model License.
The administration and faculty at TRU stand with our colleagues in support of open access to educational resources, and have been working internally and with other institutions to better contribute to and utilize Open Education Resources (OER). While OER will play an enormous role in the future of education, it has to grow as a source of educational material before it can replace the need for other licensing.
TRU intends to monitor closely any changes in practice or copyright law so that TRU is in a position to negotiate new terms to the Model License as appropriate or continue on without it upon its expiry date. TRU is encouraged by the expansion of educational use in the proposed changes to the Copyright Act, though it is unclear to what extent these changes will reduce the need to acquire permissions or licenses for materials used in our courses.
TRU trusts that the AUCC will continue to advocate on behalf of TRU and other member institutions for non-invasive reporting and survey practices, following the Guiding Principles as agreed upon by the AUCC and Access Copyright in the Model License. TRU is committed to protecting the privacy of its students, staff, and faculty.
If you have any questions about the Model License or copyright at TRU, please contact
Scott Blackford
Rights and Permissions Supervisor
Intellectual Property Office