For several TRU staff and students Tuesday, Nov. 9 was the best fun at work ever.
Either they had dreamed about throwing a pie in someone’s face, or had longed to lop-off their leader’s tie. TRU’s Tie-Pie was just the chance for both, and all for a good cause, $1,603.00 was raised for the TRU United Way Campaign.
The champion fund raiser in the tie cutting was Cameron Beddome.
See below for photos and more at flickr.
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos.
Thanks to Julie Hall in Advancement for this great video….
TRU United Way Committee members Jennifer Billingsley and Pamela MacIntosh-Snell came up with the idea to invigorate the employee campaign as it hit the half-way mark.
Leaders braving a whip cream facial included:
Michael Mehta — Dean of the Faculty of Arts
Christine Adam – Dean of Students
Rick Browning – Director of Human Resources
Dorys Crespin-Mueller – Director of Institutional Planning and Analysis
Tom Dickinson – Dean, Faculty of Science
Lynn Joly – Associate VP Human Resources & Planning
Lindsay Langill – Dean, School of Trades and Technology
Uli Scheck – Provost & VP Academic
Christopher Seguin — VP Advancement

Pie on Rick Browning from HR.

Crowd watches the fun.

Pie on Lynn Joly, AVP of HR and Institutional Planning & Analysis.

Pie on Tom Dickinson, Dean, Faculty of Science.

Instructor John Dumesnil of ARET demonstrates on Lynn Joly how it’s done.

Kimberly Eichhorn of Institutional Planning & Analysis winds up on her boss, Dorys Crespin-Mueller.

Livia Costantino of Advancement readies to place a pie on her boss, Christopher Seguin, VP Advancement.

Rick Browning, left, and Lynn Joly sport the latest face & hair products.

Taking aim.

Shoots, he scores.

I am the Pie Man.

Cameron Beddome makin

Whipped up disguise.

Taking aim

Good sports


Tie cutting…

Bobby Gill cuts an inch off the tie of Brian MacKay from IT Services.

Hugh Burley cuts an inch off of Brian’s tie.

Rita Hodge takes the scissors to Brian’s tie.

Michael Mehta, Dean, Faculty of Arts, loses an inch of his tie.

Uli Scheck, TRU Provost and Vice-President Acadmic, and his snipped tie.

Jennifer Billingsley of Human Resources takes a piece from the tie of Roger Barnsley, TRU President and Vice-Chancellor

Roger Barnsley, TRU President and Vice Chancellor, pouts as Pamela MacIntosh-Snell of Human Resources removes a piece of his tie.

Jason Brown of the TESL program removes a piece tie from Bernard Igwe, instructor in English and Modern Languages.

Lindsay Langill, Dean, School of Trades & Technology and his cut tie.

Cameron Beddome, Chief Recruitment Officer for TRU Open Learning, demonstrates a range of emotions to having his tie on the chopping block.