This “Mo-vember”, the month formerly known as November, Jon Shephard, who works in the TRU athletic department, will be donating his face to raise awareness about prostate cancer. His donation and commitment is the growth of a mustache for the entire month of Mo-vember. He is hopeful that through humour, the campaign generates conversation and controversy.
Jon has joined a team consisting of Thompson Rivers University WolfPack men’s basketball players and coaches to help raise money to fight prostate cancer.
They’re going to shave their mustachios for the last time the night after the home open weekend in basketball, October 31. They will be growing these wonderful clumps of hair above their upper lip and trying to raise donations from friends and family through out all of Mo-vember.
Why? Jon is doing this because 4,400 men die of prostate cancer in Canada each year and 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed during his lifetime. Jon says, “This is a cause that I feel passionately about and I’m asking you to support my efforts by making a donation to Prostate Cancer Canada.”
Paraphrasing Jon: So everyone let’s band together and support a wonderful cause, and “Mustachio” Gracias for your help.
Jon and company will be posting pictures of their wonderful ‘staches on the team site for you to chuckle at throughout Mo-vember.
To help, you can either:
Contact Jon Shephard
TRU Athletics & Recreation Asst.
Phone: (250) 371-5670
Donate online using your credit card or PayPal account
* Write a cheque payable to Prostate Cancer Canada, referencing my name or Registration Number 607454 and mailing it to:
Prostate Cancer Canada,
145 Front Street East, Suite 306
Toronto, ON
M5A 1E3