The President’s Report is produced each month for presentation to the TRU Board of Governors and TRU Senate.
Read the April 2015 President’s Report for an overview of recent university news, accomplishments and publications by the TRU community, and a list of upcoming campus events.
Highlights in April include a Memorandum of Understanding between TRU and Kinder Morgan, a second year added to the engineering transfer program, and the President’s Annual Merit and Staff Awards.
Among many achievements this month, we congratulate graduate student Kristen Marini, winner of our Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, who will represent TRU at the Regional 3MT Competition at the Black Box Theatre on April 30.
This issue also features presentations and publications from arts, business, law, science and tourism, including a new book by Robert Diab, Law, called The Harbinger Theory: How the Post-9/11 Emergency Became Permanent and the Case for Reform.
To view past reports, visit the President’s website. To submit news, achievements or publications to the next report, send an email to