Last spring, researchers from TRU and Interior Health came together to discuss the need for collaboration to foster research partnerships that address key community health challenges.
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: Feb. 15, 2019
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As a result of that meeting, TRU just announced a new Health Research Cluster Grant, designed to create research teams to address local concerns.
“When we came together, we identified five key priorities, or areas of research focus, and this fund is the next important step as we move from consultation to action,” said Dr. Will Garrett-Petts, Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies.
The fund is designed to encourage TRU researchers to form health research clusters with professionals who work within Interior Health. The awards will build regional research capacity, facilitate partnerships, provide student research opportunities, and help these researchers become more competitive for external funding.
The five areas of shared focus are:
- Indigenous health
- Practice-based nursing research
- Clinical infectious diseases
- Trauma care, in particular, neurotrauma and neurocritical care
- Tertiary care in psychology/psychiatry
A Health Research Cluster will include an interdisciplinary group of TRU faculty, IH care professionals (nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals, for example), and physicians with hospital privileges. The clusters should undertake activities addressing key challenges facing health, health system services, and social, cultural, environmental, and population health.
The initial $45,000 fund has been established to provide a minimum of three awards, valued up to $15,000 per research cluster, with the expectation of cash and in-kind support from the partners. Successful teams will be eligible to request additional supplemental funding to hire an interdisciplinary cohort of up to three undergraduate research assistants, valued at $3,000 per student.
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