Thompson Rivers University

Spread a little kindness one envelope at a time

February 26, 2013

The following is an open letter to the TRU community from Chelsea Corsi, the Wellness coordinator for TRU.

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful day 🙂

The Wellness Centre would like to promote a “Random Acts of Kindness’ Week this week. This is a time to take a moment or two to do something kind, generous, and genuine for someone else. We had a great in-service day last week with the theme of ‘Cultivating a Civil Community” here at TRU, so this is one way we can all contribute.

Spread a little kindness one envelope at a time

Spread a little kindness one envelope at a time

If you missed the in-service day, I wanted to let you in on what we will be doing again this year to add a little kindness to our community. This will be our 2nd Annual ‘Brown Envelope Kindness Project”. Now some of you participated last year, but for those of you who didn’t here what it is all about:

1. Randomly grab one of your brown inter-department envelopes and take a look at the names on it. You will be amazed at how long some of these envelopes have been in circulation!
2. Take a close look at the names on the envelope…do you recognize any names on there? When is the last time you talked to or saw some of the people on your envelope? Are there new people you have never even met?
3. Pick a name of one of the people – either someone you haven’t connected with for a long-time, or a new person you haven’t met yet, and make them your “kindness connection” this week.
4. Once you have picked your kindness connection…I can feel the anticipation…do something kind for them this week!! What about sending them a nice note in the actual envelope where you saw their name? What about picking up your phone to give them a call to tell them something you like about them or what you appreciate about them? What about meeting them for a coffee or a quick walk around campus? What about introducing yourself to someone new? Let them know that they are your kindness connection!
5. Bask in the wonderful energy you feel for helping make someone else’s day!
6. Send me an email to tell me what you did…that way I can share it with everyone!


TRU has so amazing people working here who all deserve a little kindness and appreciation. As Gandhi said…”Be the kindness you want to see in the world”!

We will also be on Student Street this week on Wed, Feb 27 and Thurs Feb 28 from 10:30am – 1:30pm so that we can get students involved as well. Come and visit us and let us know what your kindness plan is!

ps…Just be warned that kindness is contagious! It may cause smiling, hugs, laughter and good will. The Wellness Centre will absolutely be liable for any positive energy that may result from this project!

Thanks and have fun with this everyone!
