KAMLOOPS – Thompson Rivers University has been awarded two international internships as part of the inaugural Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded Canada Corps program to allow young people who are still engaged in formal learning to better understand governance challenges in developing countries, and to participate with more experienced mentors in the search for solutions. The internships are valued at $13,000 each, and begin in early May, ending in August 2005.
This year’s two recipients of internships at TRU are:
Devan-Maire Ritchie, a third-year Geography student who will be interning with the Centre for Social Forestry located in Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur Indonesia, focusing on marketing and coordinating an orientation programme and assisting with initiatives to strengthen the collaboration between the Centre for Social Forestry and major extractive industries.
Christopher Hodgson, a second-year Journalism student who will be interning with the Institute for Indonesian Tropical Nature (LATIN) located in Bogor, Indonesia. Chris will be involved in communications and promotion to enhance LATIN’s profile in Indonesia and overseas and the collection of digital data regarding the nature and location of resources and activities by the community.
For more information, please contact: Geoff Wilmshurst, Manager, TRU Study Abroad Centre, at 250-371-5888 or 250-371-0233