Staff and students wave to motorists and pedestrians at the corner of McGill and Dalhousie during United Way campaign launch the morning of Oct. 16.
A round of applause to everyone, because the goal was reached and participation is up.
Those are the highlights of the annual 2013 United Way fundraising campaign at TRU, which raised $60,000 and met its challenge to increase the number of participants in the payroll deduction program.
“Once again the employees of Thompson Rivers University have stepped up to show the strength of their support for needs of the Thompson Nicola Valley communities. The coordinating team of TRU United Way campaign volunteers would like to extend our gratitude to all of you, “ said Denis Powers, AVP Human Resources and Planning and Chair of this year’s TRU United Way Campaign.
Those registered for the deduction program surged to 194 from 112, making for a 73 per cent increase.
There is still time to make your payroll pledge: https://www.tru.ca/forms/unitedway/
In 2012 TRU’s campaign raised $45,000.
It seems the flashing traffic control signs at the main entrances, donated by Alliance Traffic Control, and bright red banners stung from the lampposts caught the attention of TRU’s employees.
In addition to the signs on campus employees were enticed to participate with draw prizes. The winners were:
· David Johnson: Free parking
· Sherry Murdoch: An extra vacation day
· Human Resources and Open Learning tied for the greatest level of employee contribution and will each be treated to lunch.
Campaign volunteers took to Student Street, the International Building and the Brown Family House of Learning during the last days of the campaign in an extra effort to boost the fund raising efforts with 50/50 ticket sales. The winners of the two draws were:
· Nov. 5, Brenda Mathenia
· Nov. 6, Sarah Carefoot
Look for Duane Siebel, Director, Student and Judicial Affairs to be arrested on Nov. 27 as part of the United Way’s popular Jail and Bail. The Mounties will put the handcuffs on him at noon, just in front of Student Street.
If you’d like to be involved in next year’s campaign please email unitedway@tru.ca