Alan Shaver, TRU President and Vice-Chancellor, addresses the audience during the Grand Opening of the the TRU Faculty of Law, Canada's newest law school in more than 33 years.
TRU President Alan Shaver spoke at the Faculty of Law Opening on September 6, 2011 about the benefits it will bring to TRU and the local community.
Good morning every one and welcome again to TRU. On behalf of Thompson Rivers University I thank the Government of British Columbia for this new Faculty of Law.
Many people have contributed to the realization of this day. It strikes me that a year ago this room did not exist. But if it did and the Faculty of Law met here, there would only be two people present: Anne and Chris. Now look around and see what they have done. Congratulations Anne and Chris.
At this time I also want to acknowledge some people whose names may not be immediately in mind right now but who nevertheless have left their fingerprints so to speak on this Law Faculty: Uli Scheck our Provost and Vice President, Roger Barnsely, President Emeritus, former President Kathleen Scherf, Cliff Neufeld Vice President Finance and Administration, Christopher Seguin, Vice President Advancement, and John Sparks the University’s General Counsel. And from our partner the University of Calgary: Al Lucas, Dean of Law, Alan Harrison former Provost, Harvey Weingartner former President and Diane Cannon UC’s present President who continues to support us.
And it seems to me that the fingerprints of every lawyer in town are also on this Faculty, at least that is what they tell me.
Congratulations to all of you.
TRU is a special place. In addition to many students whose parents attended university, TRU welcomes and embraces many students which have not been traditionally enrolled in University. Our learners include people from smaller cities a long way from the big universities in our major centers, they include adult learners, working students, caregivers, and members of underrepresented communities such as our first nations people. At present we have over 24,000 learners from our region, the rest of Canada, from First Nations communities and from over 80 countries around the globe.
As others have already stated, today is a big day for TRU. From this day forward, when our learners, along with thousands of other prospective students turn to TRU they will see that an opportunity to get a legal education. The rule of law is the foundation of civilization. Access to legal representation helps keep our country just and access to a legal education prepares a person for a wide variety of contributions to society. What we do here at TRU is important to the world. So we need to get it right. The new Faculty of Law shows that we are doing it right and that we are being of tremendous benefit to people. TRU is a leader in the direction that education is going around the globe and we intend to continue to lead.
In only three years from now our first law class will graduate. This group of professionals will take positions in law firms, non-profit agencies, corporations and governments around the world. They will carry TRU’s culture and values as well as an outstanding education and they will make a difference. Thanks to the TRU Law class of 2014, Thompson Rivers University will continue to lead.
Students, best wishes for your continued success.
Thank you.