This “Mo-vember”, the month formerly known as November, Jon Shephard and the TRU men’s basketball players and coaches, will be donating their faces to raise awareness about prostate cancer. Their donation and commitment is the growth of a mustache for the entire month of Mo-vember.

Sporting faux 'staches is (l-r): Jon Shephard, TRU athletics & recreation assistant; Scott Clark, men's basketball head coach; and men's baskeball players Brett Parker and Connor Agnew.
These photos were taken October 28, three day before the final shave to occur on October 31.

Will the guys look like this at November's end?
“You know, except for the mustache, you look a lot like my mother.”
“But I don’t have a mustache.”
“Yes, but my mother does.”
To help:
Contact Jon Shephard
TRU Athletics & Recreation Asst.
Phone: 250-371-5670
Donate online using your credit card or PayPal account
* Write a cheque payable to Prostate Cancer Canada, reference Jon Shephard or Registration Number 607454. Mail the cheque to:
Prostate Cancer Canada,
145 Front Street East, Suite 306
Toronto, ON
M5A 1E3