In conjunction with a new library loans policy taking effect Jan. 1, 2011, the TRU library will be declaring an amnesty week from Oct.28-Nov. 4. All overdue fines accrued by TRU students, and faculty, will be waived.
Lost book charges for replacement costs will remain on library users’ accounts. The amnesty is intended to encourage the return of library materials.
The new fines policy taking effect Jan. 1, 2011
The changes introduced in the policy are intended to provide students and faculty with greater access to and fuller use of the TRU Library collection. The new policy also aligns TRU Library with the loans policies of comparable academic libraries in British Columbia.
The new policy includes the first increase in fines for overdue library materials in over a decade. While the fine structure varies according to the type of material borrowed, the fines for overdue books will increase from 25 cents a day to 50 cents per day. As well, the maximum amount of overdue fines that both faculty and students will be permitted to accrue before the suspension of library privileges is $10.
The new policy also provides for an appeals process and the formation of an appeals committee whose membership will include two students.
The Library will continue to send out courtesy reminders of book return due dates and users will still be able to renew library materials.
Read the policy.