The Thompson Rivers Students in Free Enterprise (TRU SIFE) team has five main projects its looking to complete this academic year.
Chelsey Tennant, SIFE President, describes SIFE as a club that “runs projects which empower people in need by applying an entrepreneurial approach to improve their quality of life and standard of living.” She thinks “whether you’re looking to meet friends, expand your network, gain career experience, or change the world, SIFE has what you need.”
The 5 main projects:
- Dollars & $ense is all about empowering individuals with brain injuries and mental disabilities.
SIFE will run Weekly workshops, running on 4 or 6 week cycles, tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with brain damage and mental disabilities. Currently there are no programs to offer to these clients that will create the lasting impact that our SIFE team is able to provide. Workshops will include: budgeting, fraud awareness, entrepreneurship, living green, cooking, etc. all based to improve the standard of living and quality of life for these individuals.
- Tony Brower Innovation Exposition is all about students starting their own business.
TBIE is one of the most unique business plan competitions in North America. Applicants from the North American community develop, submit, and showcase their entries entirely through the world’s most advanced medium – the Internet. The competition is open to anyone currently attending a post-secondary school. It provides students with an opportunity to present their business plans to a committee of experienced and knowledgeable judges. - Thompson Rivers Consulting is a program designed for university students who would like to enhance their practical knowledge while assisting local entrepreneurs with their businesses. The services that we intend to provide to our clients: business plans, proposal and grant writing, advertising, program and project management, market feasibility studies, strategic planning as well as seminars and workshops.
- Inspiring Young Minds is working with at risk youth to help them achieve their goals. Anything from building their resume with them to assisting them in applying to university.
- Thirsty Thursdays. SIFE will be partnering with TRU clubs to unite the campus every Thursday at Cactus Jack’s.
To learn more about SIFE and this year’s projects, join the club Wednesdays at 7:30 in the TRUSU boardroom. Email the club with questions at or visit the website