Thompson Rivers University

Enrolments up 2% thanks to a record number of International students

October 1, 2010

International head count reaches 1,460

Students carry flags representing the more than 70 different countries represented at TRU this Fall.

During the 40th anniversary celebrations on Sept. 10, students carried flags recognizing the more than 70 countries represented at TRU this Fall.

Student enrolments at Thompson Rivers University have increased again this fall, led by a record number of 1,460 international students from more than 70 different countries. This results in an overall enrolment increase of 2% for the autumn 2010 semester. The largest increases were seen in the School of Business and the School of Nursing.

The increase this fall comes on the heels of a 7% increase in enrolments this past summer, and follows the pattern set by the major 6.2% overall increase last academic year.

Over the current academic year, which runs from May 2010 through April 2011, TRU expects to see a headcount number of approximately 13,000 students on campus.

International flag parade held on Sept. 10 as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations.

International flag parade held on Sept. 10 as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations.

For more information
please contact
Peter Hilton
Tel: 250-828-5019