Thompson Rivers University

CIHR Cafe Scientifique

January 30, 2010

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Healthy Small Cities & Communities: The Importance of Context and Place
Friday, Feb. 5, 2010, 11:30 am to 1:30pm
HooDoos at SunRivers, 1000 Clubhouse Drive

Julie Drolet will present her study on the responses and adaptions of small cities and rural communities to climate change. It is a global imperative to better understand how local communities view problems and solutions and to identify innovative ways to moderate and adapt to climate change.

Natalie Clark will share the findings of a project to explore transitional experiences for youth in a small city and rural context. Inclusion of the voices of youth can provide a rich understanding of the complexities of healthy youth transitions in Kamloops and surrounding rural communities. Implications for social work practice and policy will be shared, including advocacy and knowledge translation emerging from the research.


Julie Drolet
Assistant Professor,School of Social Work & Human Service
Natalie Clark
Faculty,School of Social Work & Human Service