Thompson Rivers University

Science undergrad awarded Premier's One World scholarship

September 20, 2008

The Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development announced today Thompson Rivers University student Samantha Keller is one of five BC students who have been awarded the new Premier’s One World scholarship of $20,000.


This summer, Samantha Keller (seen at right with her Madrid roommate) is working as a chemistry research assistant in the Department of Applied Physical Chemistry and then will attend fall and winter semesters as a student in chemistry courses at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain.
Snip from Ministry of Advance Education and Labour Market Development release
**Samantha Keller, Kamloops

Samantha is attending Thompson Rivers University. Since 2005, she has been working toward her Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. Samantha is heavily involved in school activities as a research assistant in chemistry, teacher in science summer camps, participant in the chemistry biochemistry club and she sings in a choir. Her
involvement extends to her community as a volunteer for regional science fairs, coach for figure skating and playing guitar for her local church.

Samantha plans to attend the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, first working as a chemistry research assistant in the Department of Applied Physical Chemistry and then attending fall and winter semesters as a student in chemistry courses. In these courses, Samantha wants to experience new topics and learn a new language to enable collaboration in her future career as a researcher or professor of chemistry. ** end of snip

Aug. 21, 2008

Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development


VICTORIA – A new Premier’s One World scholarship to support up to five B.C. students pursuing post-secondary studies abroad and its first recipients were announced today by Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development.

“Our global, knowledge-based economy means there are a different set of demands for graduates today,” said Coell. “Studying abroad allows students to gain a fresh perspective, to exchange ideas and learn from other cultures – important skills needed by tomorrow’s leaders.”

The Premier’s One World scholarships are funded from the returns on a $13 million endowment fund for international education established by the Province in 2006. Depending on the amount of revenue generated by
the endowment fund, up to five scholarships of $20,000 each will be awarded annually to support students wishing to pursue post-secondary education abroad.

The international scholarships endowment fund also supports three other scholarship programs – two more that help students from B.C. study abroad, and one that supports students from a foreign country to study in B.C.

“These scholarships recognize that, in our increasingly interconnected world, it is necessary to foster cross-cultural understanding,” said Coell. “Our province has a lot to gain by supporting students in their studies abroad.”

The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society, in partnership with the Victoria Foundation, manages the endowment and awards the scholarships based on eligibility criteria and an application process.

“The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society supports post-secondary education by providing easy to access scholarships for students attending public institutions,” said society board chair Mike Apsey. “These scholarships are an investment in students in B.C. that will enrich their learning experience and help them to succeed.”

For more information about this scholarship, the society’s other scholarship programs, or to donate to the nternational scholarships endowment fund, visit or call the Victoria
Foundation at 250-381-5532.


Media contact:

Richard Chambers
Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development
250 952-6508

Sharlene Smith
Victoria Foundation
250 658-1583


  • Josh Keller; Director Marketing and Communications, (p)250.828.5008