Thompson Rivers University

Encore accolades for Accolades

September 17, 2008

Accolades, Thompson Rivers University’s Culinary Arts dining room, is one of only 70 restaurants across Canada to have been awarded two “stars of excellence” out of a possible three in the new 2008 edition of the national restaurant guide, Where to Eat in Canada.

Accolades first appeared in the guide published by Oberon Press in 2004 and is the only university eatery to ever be included in the 400-page compendium. The book lists 500 best restaurants, mentioning every Canadian city and town, and tells readers what each is like, what it does best, what it costs, and when it’s open, with maps to guide travellers to each location.

Unlike other restaurant guides, Where to Eat in Canada accepts no payment

for listings. Anne Hardy, a septuagenarian who started the guide 38 years ago when she was on the road selling books for Oberon Press, writes the reviews. Her experiences traveling and dining led to the creation of the guide that entry cannot be bought into. “If you’re in the guide, that’s because you deserve to be there. Readers know we tell the truth and that’s why they buy the book,” the Obleron Press media release states.

The program’s reputation is gaining more than great restaurant reviews. TRU Culinary Arts chair Kimberley Johnstone says both the first year and third year classes are full. “So many of our students do well because of the experience they gain at Accolades. Some are very skilled young chefs locally and one, Brody White, is working at a two-star Michelin restaurant in France.”

Accolades opens Sept. 18 and reservations are now being accepted for the 2008 2009 season. Open Tuesday through Friday evenings with seating available between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. Reservations are required; please call 250-828-5354 after 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday through Friday.


Kimberly Johnstone at 250-828-5356