Thompson Rivers University

Study Abroad Ambassador: Seth in Morocco

November 2, 2012

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Name: Seth Gehring Host Destination: Al Akhawayn University, Morocco Study Abroad take-away: Gaining confidence, independence, the curiosity to explore new things.

You don’t need to have travelled or be enrolled in an international major to study in another part of the world.

The Study Abroad Exchange Program allows students to live and study in a different country for one or two semesters. Students earn credits towards fulfilling degree goals while travelling at the same time.

Give yourself an advantage in this increasingly complex and globalized world. Where in the world can I go?


 Over the course of the next few weeks, the TRU Newsroom will feature one or more of the 2012-13 Study Abroad Ambassadors. One of this week’s profiles is Seth.

“I have travelled quite extensively throughout my life so far, but having had the opportunity to complete a semester of Study Abroad in another country was a whole new experience for me.”

“My Study Abroad experience has already had so many far-reaching results in my life and I learned so many things about myself that I had not necessarily known before.

I became more confident in life, more independent, exploring things that were new to me, and expanding my horizons to include things previously being foreign to me.

I realized how important people are in my life and came to appreciate the friendships that I made during my time there, some of which I am sure will last for a long time into my future.”


READ THE STORIES of other Study Abroad Ambassadors

Courtney — France