Thompson Rivers University

Featured, Page 12

Featured, Sustainability
TRU champions water conservation July 18, 2023

With water scarcity becoming an increasingly critical issue, institutions and individuals are stepping up to the challenge of conserving this precious resource. Thompson Rivers University…

Featured, Research and Graduate Studies, Wildfire
Exploring the future of managing wildfires July 7, 2023

Thompson Rivers University (TRU) Master of Science in Environmental Science student Leona Shepherd feels inspired to change how wildfire management is approached. After attending the…

Featured, News releases
TRU invites community to campus July 5, 2023

KAMLOOPS–Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is giving potential students, families and community members of all ages a chance to shake up their “staycation” this summer. A…

Featured, Office of the President
We are with Waterloo in spirit June 30, 2023

Thompson Rivers University President Brett Fairbairn issued the following statement on Fri., June 30, in response to an act of violence in a gender studies…