Thompson Rivers University

Campus News, Page 98

Campus News
Call for Skilled Students January 11, 2006

High school students in the Cariboo-Interior enrolled in trades and technology courses like automotive service, carpentry, culinary arts, electronics, welding, computer automated design (CAD) and…

Campus News
New coach for WolfPack January 11, 2006

There'll be someone new on the bench for the TRU WolfPack men's volleyball team's first league matches this semester.Jonathan Newman-Gonchar, who most recently coached the…

Campus News
January 4, 2006

The TRU Board of Governors has set its public meeting schedule for the coming semester. Community members and other interested persons are invited to attend…

Campus News
TRU Opens New Weather Station December 6, 2005

Rain, snow or shine, the TRU Geography department's weather station grand opening will go ahead tomorrow as planned, said Geography professor Darryl Carlyle-Moses.Construction on the…

Campus News
Student Theatre at TRU November 21, 2005

The TRUDAT student theatre club presents "An Afterschool Special" this Friday in TRU's Alumni Theatre, located in the Clock Tower building."Basically, the show is 22…